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欧拉角是Leonhard Euler引入的三个角,用于描述刚体相对于固定坐标系的方向。[1]
它们还可以表示物理学中移动参考系的方向,或三维线性代数中一般基的方向。后来,彼得·古思里·泰特(Peter Guthrie Tait)和乔治·H·布莱恩(George H.Bryan)引入了另一种形式,用于航空和工程领域。
frame of reference:参考坐标系 basis:基
❓ 基本几何定义和组合旋转定义有什么区别?
extrinsic rotations:外旋 intrinsic rotations:内旋
The axes of the original frame are denoted as x, y, z and the axes of the rotated frame as X, Y, Z. The geometrical definition (sometimes referred to as static) begins by defining the line of nodes (N) as the intersection of the planes xy and XY (it can also be defined as the common perpendicular to the axes z and Z and then written as the vector product N = z \times Z). Using it, the three Euler angles can be defined as follows:
原始坐标系的轴表示为x,y,z,旋转框架的轴表示为X,Y,Z.几何定义(有时称为静态)首先将交点线(N)定义为平面xy和XY的相交的线(也可以定义为同时与轴z轴和Z轴垂直的线,因此写为向量积 \(N=z \times Z\))。使用它,三个欧拉角可以定义如下:
✅ line of nodes:交点线
A轴与B轴之间的夹角,另一种表达方式是,以\(A\times B\)为轴,从A到B的旋转角度 N在xy平面上,因此x与N的夹角可以看作是以z为轴在xy平面上的转动
Euler angles can be defined by intrinsic rotations. The rotated frame XYZ may be imagined to be initially aligned with xyz, before undergoing the three elemental rotations represented by Euler angles. Its successive orientations may be denoted as follows:
x-y-z, or x0-y0-z0 (初始值)
x′-y′-z′, or x1-y1-z1 (第一次旋转后)
x″-y″-z″, or x2-y2-z2 (第二轮后)
X-Y-Z, or x3-y3-z3 (最终)
For the above-listed sequence of rotations, the line of nodes N can be simply defined as the orientation of X after the first elemental rotation. Hence, N can be simply denoted x′. Moreover, since the third elemental rotation occurs about Z, it does not change the orientation of Z. Hence Z coincides with z″. This allows us to simplify the definition of the Euler angles as follows:
Extrinsic rotations are elemental rotations that occur about the axes of the fixed coordinate system xyz. The XYZ system rotates, while xyz is fixed. Starting with XYZ overlapping xyz, a composition of three extrinsic rotations can be used to reach any target orientation for XYZ. The Euler or Tait–Bryan angles (α, β, γ) are the amplitudes of these elemental rotations. For instance, the target orientation can be reached as follows (note the reversed order of Euler angle application):
注意应用Euler角的相反顺序: 内旋和外旋的顺序不一样 内旋:α->β->γ 外旋:γ->β->α
总之,三个元素的旋转发生在z、x和z附近。事实上,这个序列通常表示为z-x-z(或3-1-3)。与Proper Euler角和Tait–Bryan角关联的旋转轴集通常使用此符号命名(有关详细信息,请参见上文)。
对于α和γ,范围定义为模2π弧度。例如,有效范围可以是[−π, π].
对于β,范围包括π弧度(但不能说是模π)。例如,它可以是[0, π] 或[−π/2, π/2].
❓ 但不能说是模π:?
The angles α, β and γ are uniquely determined except for the singular case that the xy and the XY planes are identical, i.e. when the z axis and the Z axis have the same or opposite directions. Indeed, if the z axis and the Z axis are the same, β = 0 and only (α + γ) is uniquely defined (not the individual values), and, similarly, if the z axis and the Z axis are opposite, β = π and only (α − γ) is uniquely defined (not the individual values). These ambiguities are known as gimbal lock in applications.
角度α、β和γ是唯一确定的,但xy和XY平面相同的奇异情况除外,即z轴和Z轴方向相同或相反。事实上,如果z轴和Z轴相同,则β=0且只有(α+γ)是唯一定义的(不是单个值),并且,类似地,如果z轴和Z轴相反,则β=π且只有(α)− γ) 是唯一定义的(不是单个值)。这些歧义在应用程序中称为万向节锁。
角度α、β和γ是唯一确定的:α、β、γ是独立的 (α)− γ) 是唯一定义的:β为定值,α和γ不独立,这种情况称为万向节死锁
z1-x′-z2″ (内旋) or z2-x-z1 (外旋)
x1-y′-x2″ (内旋) or x2-y-x1 (外旋)
y1-z′-y2″ (内旋) or y2-z-y1 (外旋)
z1-y′-z2″ (内旋) or z2-y-z1 (外旋)
x1-z′-x2″ (内旋) or x2-z-x1 (外旋)
y1-x′-y2″ (内旋) or y2-x-y1 (外旋)
Euler basic motions of the Earth. Intrinsic (green), Precession (blue) and Nutation (red) 地球的基本运动。内旋(绿色)、进动(蓝色)和章动(红色)
Precession, nutation, and intrinsic rotation (spin) are defined as the movements obtained by changing one of the Euler angles while leaving the other two constant. These motions are not expressed in terms of the external frame, or in terms of the co-moving rotated body frame, but in a mixture. They constitute a mixed axes of rotation system, where the first angle moves the line of nodes around the external axis z, the second rotates around the line of nodes N and the third one is an intrinsic rotation around Z, an axis fixed in the body that moves.
These movements also behave as a gimbal set. If we suppose a set of frames, able to move each with respect to the former according to just one angle, like a gimbal, there will exist an external fixed frame, one final frame and two frames in the middle, which are called "intermediate frames". The two in the middle work as two gimbal rings that allow the last frame to reach any orientation in space.
第二种形式被称为泰特-布莱恩角,以Peter Guthrie Tait 和George H. Bryan命名。这是通常用于航空航天应用的惯例,因此零度仰角表示水平姿态。Tait–Bryan角表示飞机相对于世界坐标系的方向。在处理其他车辆时,可以使用不同的轴约定。
Tait–Bryan角使用的定义和符号与上述适用于Euler角的定义和符号类似(几何定义、内旋定义、外旋定义)。唯一的区别是,Tait–Bryan角表示围绕三个不同轴(例如x-y-z或x-y′-z〃)的旋转,而Proper Euler角对第一个和第三个元素旋转(例如z-x-z或z-x′-z〃)使用相同的轴。
❓ 笛卡尔平面? 为什么旋转轴不同会导致line of nodes的定义不同? 为什么要定义line of nodes?
飞机的机载和地面跟踪站的机载ENS轴的Heading, elevation and bank(Z-Y′-X〃)。固定参考坐标系x-y-z表示跟踪站。机载轴Y和Z未显示。X以绿色显示。此图不符合RHS规则:y轴必须反转为正角度符合RHS。
x-y′-z″ (内旋) or z-y-x (外旋)
y-z′-x″ (内旋) or x-z-y (外旋)
z-x′-y″ (内旋) or y-x-z (外旋)
x-z′-y″ (内旋) or y-z-x (外旋)
z-y′-x″ (内旋) or x-y-z (外旋): the intrinsic rotations are known as: yaw, pitch and roll 内在旋转被称为:yaw, pitch 和 roll
y-x′-z″ (内旋) or z-x-y (外旋)
根据航空标准DIN 9300定义的飞机主轴。请注意,零度角时,固定坐标系和移动坐标系必须重合。因此,该规范还将强制定义了参考系统中的兼容轴约定
These angles are normally taken as one in the external reference frame (heading, bearing), one in the intrinsic moving frame (bank) and one in a middle frame, representing an elevation or inclination with respect to the horizontal plane, which is equivalent to the line of nodes for this purpose.
❓ 这一段没看懂
Tait–Bryan angles, following z-y′-x″ (intrinsic rotations) convention, are also known as nautical angles, because they can be used to describe the orientation of a ship or aircraft, or Cardan angles, after the Italian mathematician and physicist Gerolamo Cardano, who first described in detail the Cardan suspension and the Cardan joint.
Tait–Bryan角,遵循z-y′-x〃(内旋)惯例,也被称为海角,因为它们可以用来描述船只或飞机的方向,或者卡丹角,以意大利数学家和物理学家Gerolamo Cardano的名字命名,他首先详细描述了Cardan suspension和Cardan joint。
A common problem is to find the Euler angles of a given frame. The fastest way to get them is to write the three given vectors as columns of a matrix and compare it with the expression of the theoretical matrix (see later table of matrices). Hence the three Euler Angles can be calculated. Nevertheless, the same result can be reached avoiding matrix algebra and using only elemental geometry. Here we present the results for the two most commonly used conventions: ZXZ for proper Euler angles and ZYX for Tait–Bryan. Notice that any other convention can be obtained just changing the name of the axes.
定义\(\displaystyle 0<x<\pi \) 我们得出
As \(Z_{2}\) is the double projection of a unitary vector,
❓ 酉向量?
There is a similar construction for \(Y_{3}\), projecting it first over the plane defined by the axis z and the line of nodes. As the angle between the planes is \(\pi /2-\beta\) and \(\cos(\pi /2-\beta )=\sin(\beta )\), this leads to:
❓ 使用atan2表达角度能简化哪方面计算? 什么是atan2?
❓ 在数值上更稳定:为什么四元比旋转矩阵更稳定?
绕z、y、x轴(按该顺序):每一次外旋用矩阵左乘表示,所以看上去顺序是反的 绕x-y′-z〃轴(按该顺序):内旋用矩阵右乘表示
Each matrix is meant to represent an active rotation (the composing and composed matrices are supposed to act on the coordinates of vectors defined in the initial fixed reference frame and give as a result the coordinates of a rotated vector defined in the same reference frame).
Each matrix is meant to represent, primarily, a composition of intrinsic rotations (around the axes of the rotating reference frame) and, secondarily, the composition of three extrinsic rotations (which corresponds to the constructive evaluation of the R matrix by the multiplication of three truly elemental matrices, in reverse order).
Right handed reference frames are adopted, and the right hand rule is used to determine the sign of the angles α, β, γ.
For the sake of simplicity, the following table of matrix products uses the following nomenclature:
1, 2, 3 represent the angles α, β and γ, i.e. the angles corresponding to the first, second and third elemental rotations respectively.
X, Y, Z are the matrices representing the elemental rotations about the axes x, y, z of the fixed frame (e.g., X1 represents a rotation about x by an angle α).
X、 Y,Z是表示关于固定坐标系的轴x,y,z的基本旋转的矩阵(例如,X1表示关于x的角度α的旋转)。
s and c represent sine and cosine (e.g., s1 represents the sine of α).
These tabular results are available in numerous textbooks.[3] For each column the last row constitutes the most commonly used convention.
这些表格结果在许多教科书中都有。[3] 对于每一列,最后一行构成最常用的约定。
被动旋转:坐标系发生旋转,向量不变,则它在坐标系中的方向发生了改变 主动旋转:在一个固定坐标系中,方向发生旋转。
❓ passive rotations? reverse active rotation?
The following table contains formulas for angles α, β and γ from elements of a rotation matrix R.[4]
❓ 看不懂
The Euler angles form a chart on all of SO(3), the special orthogonal group of rotations in 3D space. The chart is smooth except for a polar coordinate style singularity along β = 0. See charts on SO(3) for a more complete treatment.
The space of rotations is called in general "The Hypersphere of rotations", though this is a misnomer: the group Spin(3) is isometric to the hypersphere S3, but the rotation space SO(3) is instead isometric to the real projective space ****RP3 which is a 2-fold quotient space of the hypersphere. This 2-to-1 ambiguity is the mathematical origin of spin in physics.
A similar three angle decomposition applies to SU(2), the special unitary group of rotations in complex 2D space, with the difference that β ranges from 0 to 2π. These are also called Euler angles.
The Haar measure for SO(3) in Euler angles is given by the Hopf angle parametrisation of SO(3), \(\displaystyle {\textrm {d}}V\propto \sin \beta .{\textrm {d}}\alpha .{\textrm {d}}\beta .{\textrm {d}}\gamma }\),[5] where \({\displaystyle (\beta ,\alpha )}\) parametrise \(S^{{2}}\), the space of rotation axes.
欧拉角中SO(3)的Haar度量由SO(3)的Hopf角参数化给出,\(\displaystyle {\textrm {d}}V\propto \sin \beta .{\textrm {d}}\alpha .{\textrm {d}}\beta .{\textrm {d}}\gamma }\),[5] where \({\displaystyle (\beta ,\alpha )\) parametrise \(S^{{2}}\), 旋转轴的空间。
For example, to generate uniformly randomized orientations, let α and γ be uniform from 0 to 2π, let z be uniform from −1 to 1, and let β = arccos(z).
Other properties of Euler angles and rotations in general can be found from the geometric algebra, a higher level abstraction, in which the quaternions are an even subalgebra. The principal tool in geometric algebra is the rotor \(\displaystyle \mathbf {\mathbb {R} } =[\cos(\theta /2)-Iu\sin(\theta /2)]\) where \(\displaystyle \mathbf {\theta } =}angle of rotation, {\displaystyle \mathbf {(} u)=}rotation axis (unitary vector) and {\displaystyle \mathbf {(} I)=}pseudoscalar (trivector in \mathbb {R} ^{3})\)
一般来说,欧拉角和旋转的其他性质可以从几何代数中找到,这是一种更高层次的抽象,其中四元数是偶数子代数。几何代数中的主要工具是转子\(\displaystyle \mathbf {\mathbb {R} } =[\cos(\theta /2)-Iu\sin(\theta /2)]\) where \(\displaystyle \mathbf {\theta } =}angle of rotation, {\displaystyle \mathbf {(} u)=}rotation axis (unitary vector) and {\displaystyle \mathbf {(} I)=}pseudoscalar (trivector in \mathbb {R} ^{3})\)
It is possible to define parameters analogous to the Euler angles in dimensions higher than three.[6]
The number of degrees of freedom of a rotation matrix is always less than the dimension of the matrix squared. That is, the elements of a rotation matrix are not all completely independent. For example, the rotation matrix in dimension 2 has only one degree of freedom, since all four of its elements depend on a single angle of rotation. A rotation matrix in dimension 3 (which has nine elements) has three degrees of freedom, corresponding to each independent rotation, for example by its three Euler angles or a magnitude one (unit) quaternion.
In SO(4) the rotation matrix is defined by two quaternions, and is therefore 6-parametric (three degrees of freedom for every quaternion). The 4×4 rotation matrices have therefore 6 independent components out of 16.
Any set of 6 parameters that define the rotation matrix could be considered an extension of Euler angles to dimension 4.
In general, the number of Euler angles in dimension D is quadratic in D; since any one rotation consists of choosing two dimensions to rotate between, the total number of rotations available in dimension D is \(\displaystyle N_{\text{rot}}={\binom {D}{2}}=D(D-1)/2}, which for D=2,3,4 yields {\displaystyle N_{\text{rot}}=1,3,6\).
一般来说,D维的欧拉角的个数是D的二次方; 因为任何一次旋转都包括选择两个维度进行旋转,所以维度 D 中可用的总旋转次数为 \(\displaystyle N_{\text{rot}}={\binom {D}{2}}=D( D-1)/2},对于 D=2,3,4 产生 {\displaystyle N_{\text{rot}}=1,3,6\)。
❓ 没看懂
Main article: rigid body 主要文章:刚体
See also: axes conventions 另请参见:轴约定
Their main advantage over other orientation descriptions is that they are directly measurable from a gimbal mounted in a vehicle. As gyroscopes keep their rotation axis constant, angles measured in a gyro frame are equivalent to angles measured in the lab frame. Therefore, gyros are used to know the actual orientation of moving spacecraft, and Euler angles are directly measurable. Intrinsic rotation angle cannot be read from a single gimbal, so there has to be more than one gimbal in a spacecraft. Normally there are at least three for redundancy. There is also a relation to the well-known gimbal lock problem of mechanical engineering[7] .
When studying rigid bodies in general, one calls the xyz system space coordinates, and the XYZ system body coordinates. The space coordinates are treated as unmoving, while the body coordinates are considered embedded in the moving body. Calculations involving acceleration, angular acceleration, angular velocity, angular momentum, and kinetic energy are often easiest in body coordinates, because then the moment of inertia tensor does not change in time. If one also diagonalizes the rigid body's moment of inertia tensor (with nine components, six of which are independent), then one has a set of coordinates (called the principal axes) in which the moment of inertia tensor has only three components.
The angular velocity of a rigid body takes a simple form using Euler angles in the moving frame. Also the Euler's rigid body equations are simpler because the inertia tensor is constant in that frame.
Pole figures displaying crystallographic texture of gamma-TiAl in an alpha2-gamma alloy, as measured by high energy X-rays.[8] 极图显示了通过高能X射线测量的alpha2γ合金中γTiAl的晶体结构。[8]
In materials science, crystallographic texture (or preferred orientation) can be described using Euler angles. In texture analysis, the Euler angles provide a mathematical depiction of the orientation of individual crystallites within a polycrystalline material, allowing for the quantitative description of the macroscopic material.[9] The most common definition of the angles is due to Bunge and corresponds to the ZXZ convention. It is important to note, however, that the application generally involves axis transformations of tensor quantities, i.e. passive rotations. Thus the matrix that corresponds to the Bunge Euler angles is the transpose of that shown in the table above.[10]
在材料科学中,晶体织构(或优选取向)可以用欧拉角来描述。在织构分析中,欧拉角提供了多晶材料中单个微晶方向的数学描述,允许对宏观材料进行定量描述。[9] 最常见的角度定义是Bunge,与ZXZ约定相对应。然而,需要注意的是,该应用通常涉及张量的轴变换,即被动旋转。因此,对应于Bunge-Euler角的矩阵是上表所示矩阵的转置。[10]
Industrial robot operating in a foundry 在铸造厂工作的工业机器人
Euler angles, normally in the Tait–Bryan convention, are also used in robotics for speaking about the degrees of freedom of a wrist. They are also used in electronic stability control in a similar way.
Gun fire control systems require corrections to gun-order angles (bearing and elevation) to compensate for deck tilt (pitch and roll). In traditional systems, a stabilizing gyroscope with a vertical spin axis corrects for deck tilt, and stabilizes the optical sights and radar antenna. However, gun barrels point in a direction different from the line of sight to the target, to anticipate target movement and fall of the projectile due to gravity, among other factors. Gun mounts roll and pitch with the deck plane, but also require stabilization. Gun orders include angles computed from the vertical gyro data, and those computations involve Euler angles.
Euler angles are also used extensively in the quantum mechanics of angular momentum. In quantum mechanics, explicit descriptions of the representations of SO(3) are very important for calculations, and almost all the work has been done using Euler angles. In the early history of quantum mechanics, when physicists and chemists had a sharply negative reaction towards abstract group theoretic methods (called the Gruppenpest), reliance on Euler angles was also essential for basic theoretical work.
Many mobile computing devices contain accelerometers which can determine these devices' Euler angles with respect to the earth's gravitational attraction. These are used in applications such as games, bubble level simulations, and kaleidoscopes.[citation needed]
3D projection 三维投影
Axis-angle representation 轴角表示法
Conversion between quaternions and Euler angles 四元数和欧拉角之间的转换
Davenport chained rotations 达文波特链式旋转
Euler's rotation theorem 欧拉旋转定理
Gimbal lock 万向节锁
Quaternion 四元数
Quaternions and spatial rotation 四元数与空间旋转
Rotation formalisms in three dimensions 三维旋转形式
Spherical coordinate system 球面坐标系
三个给定向量:XYZ在xyz坐标系中的坐标向量 理论矩阵:见6.1节